One of the most common and effective methods of displaying activities (tasks or events) displayed against time is a Gantt chart, which is frequently used in project management. A list of the activities is located on the chart's left side, and a suitable time scale is located along the top. A bar is used to symbolize each activity, and the position and length of the bar correspond to the activity's beginning, middle, and finish dates. This enables you to quickly determine:
Gantt. (2022). What is a Gantt Chart? Gantt.Com. Retrieved 2022, from
McLachlan, D. [David McLachlan]. (2022, February 28). How to Make the BEST Gantt Chart in Excel (looks like Microsoft Project!) [Video]. YouTube.
Project Management. (2019, February 28). Project Management in Under 5: What is a Gantt Chart? [Video]. YouTube.
Project Manager. (2016, March 11). Gantt Charts, Simplified - Project Management Training [Video]. YouTube.
Subject Money. (2013, June 7). Gantt Chart Excel Tutorial - How to make a Basic Gantt Chart in Microsoft Excel 2013 [Video]. YouTube.