Gantt Chart

One of the most common and effective methods of displaying activities (tasks or events) displayed against time is a Gantt chart, which is frequently used in project management. A list of the activities is located on the chart's left side, and a suitable time scale is located along the top. A bar is used to symbolize each activity, and the position and length of the bar correspond to the activity's beginning, middle, and finish dates. This enables you to quickly determine: 

-What each of the activities entails
-When the start and finish of each action is
-How much time is allocated for each activity
-Where and by how much some activities intersect with other 
-The project's overall start and finish dates 

More information about the history of Gantt Chart, can be read here.

What is a Gantt Chart (simplified)?

Gantt Chart explained in 5 minutes:

How do you make a simple Gantt Chart?

How do you make a professional-looking Gantt Chart?

How do you make a Gantt Chart on Google Sheets?

Gantt charts are still most frequently used today to monitor project schedules. With this, it helps to be able to display more details about the various project tasks or phases, such as how they relate to one another, how far along they are, what resources are being used for each work, and so forth.


Gantt. (2022). What is a Gantt Chart? Gantt.Com. Retrieved 2022, from

McLachlan, D. [David McLachlan]. (2022, February 28). How to Make the BEST Gantt Chart in Excel (looks like Microsoft Project!) [Video]. YouTube.

Project Management. (2019, February 28). Project Management in Under 5: What is a Gantt Chart? [Video]. YouTube.

Project Manager. (2016, March 11). Gantt Charts, Simplified - Project Management Training [Video]. YouTube.

Subject Money. (2013, June 7). Gantt Chart Excel Tutorial - How to make a Basic Gantt Chart in Microsoft Excel 2013 [Video]. YouTube.